LinkedIn: Storytelling Strategies

In business, you tell stories all the time, even if you are not aware of it!

It doesn't matter if it is a big story such as the origin story of you, your company or product, or a small detail on your LinkedIn profile description, profile or cover photo, the design of your website, any post or article on social media or a press release for your company.

From My little bit of LinkedIn experience I have written this blog ..check it out there any ambiguity then tell me in the comment section :
What others say about you are stories too.
Your stories are powerful! They show your knowledge and expertise and help to establish authority and trust.
If you can master the art of storytelling, any goal becomes much easier.

The Power of Pre-Suasion:

Stories are powerful shortcuts when it comes to building relationships.
Imagine you would meet a random person at a local networking event. If we do not know anything about someone, we quickly try to determine if the other person is to be trusted. Friend or Foe? This natural human behavior is often happening on a subconscious level and can take up a lot of our precious time.
Now imagine a different scenario. You go to the same networking event, but everyone already has a clear idea of who you are, of what you stand for, of your ideas and opinions and what you stand for, all because of stories that you put out there and stories that others wrote about you.
Now everything is much more comfortable. Your stories have already done most of the work for you long before they met you.

Stories work, even if they never heard of you before

     Think about the last event again, but this time you someone from the audience has not heard of any of your stories before. Tough luck? No! All you have to do is give a decent first impression, and you are halfway there. After the meeting, the other person will check you out on Google and LinkedIn. Moreover, what do they find? Your stories!
Carefully planted seeds, ready to remove any remaining doubts. That is the power of storytelling.
Think about your own story. Is it as good and consistent as it should be? Have you planted enough seeds?
To become a master storyteller, you first have to review every story that you or others already put out about you.

Social Media:

Audit each of your social accounts in terms of profile description, profile photo, cover, and extra infomation:
  1. LinkedIn
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. Twitter
  5. Pinterest

Media & Press:

  • Create a list with all articles and interviews that talk about you and rate them.


  • Search for your own name and company name and see what comes up?
  • Which images show up in the "Images" tab?

Want to learn more about storytelling?

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  • COMMENT below and tell me your moment after reading my article and if you want to learn more on how to tell your own story?
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  • FOLLOW me for awesome LinkedIn Strategies that work!

            Want more Understanding about Storytelling?


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